A Long Journey to an Uncertain End

PC and Nintendo Switch Title


  • Platform: PC, Nintendo Switch
  • Time Frame: 2019-2023
  • Company: Crispy Creative


The first title by indie studio Crispy Creative, A Long Journey to an Uncertain End is an award-winning narrative management space opera that sets the player as the spaceship. Recruit an eclectic crew to do jobs, maintain the player/ship, and keep one step ahead from your ever-pursuing Ex.

As Creative Director I designed and created the overall look and feel of the game, including the environments, UI screens, animations, VFX, and numerous game assets. And as the project lead, I managed the entire development team from conception to release to post-launch updates. At its height, the development team topped out at 15 people, including 2 engineers, 4 narrative designers, producer, QA tester, composer, social media manager, and animators and character artists, all of whom reported to myself.

UX flows and wireframes were created with Illustrator. Assets were created using Photoshop, Blender, After Effects, and Unity. Designs were written up in Confluence.
